Featured News
Event: World Monuments Watch: 2008 List of 100 Most Endangered Sites Organizer: World Monuments Fund The neglected New York State Pavilion is endangered...
Arts & Letters Attendees John Morris Dixon, FAIA, may be correct in noting that architects are underrepresented in the membership of The American Academy of Arts and...
Postopolis! (l-r): Joseph Grima, Director of Storefront for Art and Architecture; Jill Fehrenbacher from Inhabitat; Dan Hill from City of Sound; and Bryan Finoki...
In this issue: ·New Residences Pay Homage to SoHo's Past ·NYPD Blue's Station House is in the Pink ·Richard Meier Designs Second Museum in...
Brooklyn-based band Cheeseburger gets down on the ground to save the Domino Sugar Refinery. Jonny Leather; Jessica Sheridan On June 3, community leaders...
Van Alen Institute announced the recipients of the 2007-2008 New York Prize Fellowship, including the New York Prize Senior Fellowship winner, curator Hans Ulrich...
2007 AIA Fellows Reception (05.29.07): white roses for all Clockwise: Mustafa Abadan, FAIA, and Henry K. Stolzman, FAIA; Paul Katz, FAIA, and Adam Yarinsky,...
Oculus 2007 Editorial Calendar If you have ideas, projects, opinions -- or perhaps a burning desire to write about a topic below -- we'd like to hear from you! Deadlines...
Event: American Academy of Arts and Letters 2007 Awards Ceremony Location: American Academy of Arts and Letters, 05.15.07 Organizers: American Academy of Arts and...
Event: Building with History: How the Old and the New Can Co-exist in the Modern World Location: The Metropolitan Museum of Art, 04.24.07 Speaker: Lord Norman Foster,...
Event: Mixed Greens lecture:"Zero-Energy Tower, Guangzhou" Location: New York Academy of Sciences, 05.08.07 Speakers: Roger Frechette, PE, LEED-AP -- Director of MEP...
Event: Young Architects Forum: Proof Location: The Urban Center, New York City, 05.17.07, 6:30 Speakers: Ivan Hernadez Quintela -- ludens productions, Mexico City;...
The Park at the Center of the World: Five Visions for Governors Island opens Thursday, May 31, at the Center for Architecture (See On View At the Center for...
By Barbara A. Nadel, FAIA Note: In response to last week's Convention coverage, Barbara A. Nadel, FAIA, submitted the followiing. To read New Yorkers Set Example at AIA...
Usually when the International Contemporary Furniture Fair (ICFF) is in town I look forward to the more progressive expositions off-site from the Jacob K. Javits...
In this issue: ·Library Dusts the Old and Shines the New ·SVA to offer a Master of Fine Arts in Design Criticism ·The Scent of...
Governors Island has published its Summer 2007 schedule. Opening June 2, visitors will be able to visit both Saturdays and Sundays through September 2. The Governors...
Cooper-Hewitt National Design Museum announced the winners and finalists of the 2007 National Design Awards. NY-based firms and designers: in Interior Design, the winner...
Mayor Bloomberg shakes hands with Chris Garvin, AIA, COTE co-chair at his Earth Day presentation of plaNYC 2030. James Estrin/The New York...
Oculus 2007 Editorial Calendar If you have ideas, projects, opinions -- or perhaps a burning desire to write about a topic below -- we'd like to hear from you! Deadlines...