Featured News

On Friday, February 1, Times Square Arts and AIA New York unveiled the 11th-annual Times Square Valentine Heart, “X” by Suchi Reddy, founder of Reddymade. Though...

Do you know an AIA architect who has made significant and measurable achievements in design, preservation, education, literature, or service? Election to...

On the evening of Monday, January 14, 2019, nearly 200 architects and allied professionals gathered at the Center for Architecture to discover the winners of the 2019...

AIA New York is excited to announce the five finalists for the 2019 City of Dreams Competition, hosted by FIGMENT, the AIANY Emerging New York Architects Committee...

On November 9, the AIANY Civic Leadership Program (CLP) discussed how learners of all ages engage with the built environment. "EDUCATION – Inside | Out,” led by...

Still haven’t found the perfect gift for your favorite architect? AIA New York has a few recommendations for you! For Design-Savvy Mixologists: Cocktails and...

The NYC Department of Sanitation, Van Alen Institute, the Industrial Designers Society of America, and AIA New York have announced the three finalists in the...

On December 4, Chapter members gathered at the Center for Architecture for the AIANY 2019 Board Inaugural. The event celebrated the achievements of 2018, outlining the...
Still on the fence about Day of Service? This brand new video showing highlights from our 2018 projects will help you decide! As a result of the resounding...

On November 1, the 2018 AIANY Civic Leadership Program class showcased results from their Civic Engagement Survey at the Center for Architecture. The Civic Engagement...

As a result of the resounding success of AIA New York’s A’18 Day of Service, we are gearing up for another round of community service events led by architects in the...

On Thursday, November 8, 2018, AIA New York State celebrated design excellence at the AIANYS 2018 Design Awards Luncheon. At the reception, AIANYS also conferred...

Update: The deadline for submissions has been extended to December 3, 2018 Calling all architects committed to promoting universal design! The Cerebral Palsy...

Affordable housing is essential to a just, diverse, and community-serving city. New York is currently confronting its own housing affordability crisis, tackling the...
AIA New York is proud to announce that, after supporting a resolution to amend the AIA Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct at A’18, the AIA Board of Directors has...

On Monday, October 15 at the Center for Architecture, AIA New York and the Times Square Alliance announced that Reddymade's "X" had been selected the winner of the 2019...

On September 20, the 2018 AIANY Civic Leadership Program (CLP) hosted its first public event, “Architects, as Required: Exploring the Periphery of Design.” Organized...

The Center for Architecture and AIANY are currently seeking submissions for the 2018 Stewardson Keefe LeBrun Travel Grant! The purpose of the LeBrun Grant is to...

At first glance, we might think of solving homelessness as solely an architecture problem: the profession, after all, can design structures that occupants can call...

AIA New York has partnered with US Modernist to digitize past issues of Oculus Magazine! If you would like to donate an issue, please visit usmodernist.org/needed to...