by: Steven Pick
Eric Joseph Pick, AIA, passed away in his home on Long Island, NY on 10.30.16 due to complications with a blood disease. He is survived by Evelyn, his wife of 68 years, and sons Bruce and Steven, daughters-in-law Jackie and Susan, and grandchildren Marie, Michael, and Lucas.
Born on 05.31.22 in Vienna, Austria, son of Paul and Lilly Pick, Eric lived a long and benevolent life. Escaping Nazi Austria in 1939, he immigrated to the United States and almost immediately started acclimating and enjoying the freedom previously unavailable to him. As a young man, scouting, photography, the arts, and skiing were his loves. Soon enough, he discovered architecture, which served as a life-long love and provided him with many years of joy.
After graduating from Columbia University with a degree in architecture, his dedication to the profession commenced. Eric designed countless buildings, both domestic and international. Notable successes include: the Athens Hilton; Addis Ababa Hilton; Hyatt Goat Island; Scanticon/Marriott Conference Center; Adelphi University Student Union; Hofstra University Dormitory Towers and Bridge; and the Brown University Library. Many of Eric’s designs are public buildings – thousands of people pass through them daily. He has impacted the lives of many through his profession.
Locally, Eric was drawn to civic duty. Having enjoyed scouting as a boy in Austria and as a teenager in New York, he later shared his passion, encouraging both Bruce and Steve to participate. Eric served on the Board of Scout Troup 241 in Port Washington for many years, went on numerous weekend campouts, and led weeklong senior camping trips.
In the late 1960s, Eric, along with his wife Evelyn and few other local citizens, founded the Residents for a More Beautiful Port Washington (RFMBPW). The organization, initially a few friends sitting around the coffee table, quickly began impacting the community. The RFMBPW board had a blend of professionals: legal, retail, engineering, etc. Eric’s background as an architect was called upon for almost every civic project they encountered. He and Evelyn took great pride in the local organization and the long-term impact it has had on the community; they were recently honored with a life achievement award by the group.
As an avid sailor, Eric took full advantage of Port Washington’s waterside locale. He sailed the waters surrounding the Port Washington peninsula for several decades; family and friends were always welcome aboard.
Later in life, Eric was privileged to join and serve as chair of the Port Washington Public Library Arts Council. This board renewed his love of art and provided him with many new friendships in the community. He beamed with pride when one of his own watercolors was displayed at the library.
Together with Evelyn, he lovingly raised his family. The couple serves as a model of compassion, love, and ethics, and have been the source of inspiration to many. Eric is loved and will be missed by all who knew him.
A memorial service was held on 11.02.16 at the Community Synagogue in Port Washington.