by: Anne Lefferson IIDA
Event: Clodagh Inner Circle Speaker Series
Location: Clodagh Design Showroom, 02.27.07
Speaker: Paul Novack — Founder & Operational Manager, Environmental Construction Outfitters (E.C.O.)
Organizer & Sponsor: Clodagh Collection

Courtesy Greendepot
The web is not the best source when searching for healthy alternatives, according to Paul Novack, CEO of Environmental Construction Outfitters (E.C.O.). That is why he founded Greendepot in January 2006 — to provide environmentally friendly and sustainable building products to both the public and the design community. A one-stop shop for construction needs with stock and delivery inventory, Greendepot also offers product recommendations to bring the most LEED points possible to a project. Insulation made from recycled blue jeans, rubber flooring manufactured from old truck tires, and cleaning products required to maintain a sustainable home are some of the items available.
Clodagh prides herself as a leader in responsible design, through her own practice as well as educating the public. Attendees of her Inner Circle Speaker Series were eager to hear about living healthier lifestyles: “I can use blue jeans as insulation in my walls?” “LEED what?” “How can I live green?” For more information, go to the Greendepot website or visit the Brooklyn showroom. To learn more about Clodagh and the Inner Circle Speaker Series, click the link.
Anne Lefferson, IIDA, ASID, is a designer at Brennan Beer Gorman Monk.