by: admin
In this issue:
• Cracking the Code
• e-Calendar
Cracking the Code
As architects, we understand the need to exercise leadership in creating the built environment, and when we understand the minimum requirements we can design for a sustainable future. In September 2011, AIA New York Chapter began offering courses on the New York State Energy Conservation Construction Code in partnership with Urban Green Council through American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA), with funding provided by NYSERDA. The four-hour, four-credit course was developed to familiarize architects and engineers with the code, the fundamentals of low-energy design, and the process available to demonstrate compliance. At the end of April 2012 we will have delivered 31 sessions of the course in New York, Syracuse, Albany, Morrisville, Rochester, and Onondaga counties. Outreach partners, including AIA New York State, the USGBC New York State Upstate Chapter, AIA Eastern New York, AIA Central New York, and AIA Rochester, enabled this course to reach further than the confines of the Center for Architecture to bring the substance of the code to designers statewide.
eCalendar includes an interactive listing of architectural events around NYC. Click the link to go to to eCalendar on the Web.