Who should apply to be a CLP candidate?
A CLP candidate is someone interested in deeply exploring architecture and design-related issues impacting New York City, becoming more civically engaged, and learning about how they can use their agency as design professionals to make change.
What is the role of the CLP advisors?
Typically, CLP advisors are recent graduates of the CLP program who are instrumental in working with AIANY and nycoba|NOMA to plan the following year’s program from kickoff to conclusion. CLP advisors also review applications, and guide selected participants throughout the course of the year.
Do I need to be an AIANY member to apply?
No, all NYC-based design professionals are welcome to apply. If accepted to the program, they must activate membership at either their local New York City AIA chapter or nycoba|NOMA (or both!).
Is the CLP only for young design professionals?
No, while we encourage emerging professionals to apply, this program is open to any NYC design professional with a demonstrated interest in civic engagement and advocacy.
Do I have to live in New York to apply?
No, you do not have to reside in New York, but you do have to be a member of either a New York City AIA chapter or nycoba|NOMA and be able to attend NYC-based programs that may sometimes run until 9pm.
Can current architecture and design students apply to the CLP?
No, this program is geared towards design professionals who are in the workforce.
What is the time commitment for CLP candidates?
If selected, CLP participants should plan to allocate three to five hours per week leading up to their self-led development session and public event, in addition to attendance at all scheduled sessions.
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