In 2024, AIA New York and the Center for Architecture worked with AK Cultural Planning to identify strategic goals, objectives, and tactics to ensure the success and growth of the two organizations over the next five years. With this new shared strategy, we will advance the value and practice of architecture to promote just and sustainable communities.
Elected by the Chapter membership and its Nominating Committee each year, the Board of Directors is a diverse group of practitioners and allied professionals that brings a wealth of experience to the functioning of the Chapter. The Board meets monthly, with supplemental meetings and event commitments dependent on the position to which an individual is elected.
The AIA New York Chapter membership gathers at the Annual Meeting each June to elect the Board of Directors and members to selected committees, as well as to conduct chapter business and honor those who contribute to the built environment of New York. The next Annual Meeting will be held in June 18, 2025.
Open Board and Elective Committee positions may be found here.
Interested candidates should contact Suzanne Mecs at to express their interest in a specific position. Please include a CV and a brief note outlining your qualifications and reasons for applying.
Nominating Committee
2025 Nominating Committee Members
Alissa Bucher, AIA
Sameer Kumar, FAIA, NOMA
Brynnemarie Lanciotti, AIA
Faith Rose, AIA
Gregory Switzer, AIA, NOMA, NCARB
Nominating Committee Elections
An open meeting to put candidates on the Nominating Committee ballot is called annually in the fall. All Architect, Associate, International Associate, and Emeritus members of the Chapter are welcome. If you would like to submit a name but cannot make it to the meeting, please email with the name of the candidate.
Once all submitted names are vetted for membership eligibility, an online election will open for two weeks time for members to select their top four choices.
The four elected members will serve with the AIANY President from January to June each year to select members for the following year's Board and Elective Committees.
Elective Committees
Design Awards Committee The committee, working with the Chapter Board of Directors and chapter staff, organizes the annual Design Awards Program. Current committee members:
Andrew Bernheimer, FAIA, Bernheimer Architecture
Michael Brotherton, AIA, SITU Fabrication
Michael Caton, AIA, Algoma
Winka Dubbeldam, Assoc. AIA, Archi-Tectonics
Stefan Knust, AIA, NYC Department of Design and Construction
Brian Messana, AIA, Messana O’Rorke
Maria Perbellini, New York Institute of Technology
Fellows Committee Consisting of eight elected members of the Chapter, this committee follows applicable AIA procedures regarding eligibility and nomination procedures for advancement of a member to Fellowship, and follows an appropriate method of communicating such information to all Chapter members. Current committee members:
Sharon Sutton, Ph.D., FAIA, Parsons School of Design (co-chair)
Heidi Blau, FAIA, FXCollaborative (co-chair)
Peter Cavaluzzi, FAIA, Perkins Eastman
Annya Ramirez-Jimenez, AIA, Marvel
Magali Regis, AIA, e_space design
Robert Rogers, FAIA, Rogers Partners
Barbara Spandors, FAIA, LEED AP, John Jay College
Gregory Waugh, FAIA
Honors Committee This committee selects nominees for Chapter awards; AIA New York State Honors; Institute Honors and Awards and provides support for submissions. Current committee members:
Benjamin Thomas Gilmartin, AIA, Chair and 2025 AIANY President, Diller Scofidio + Renfro
Ann Marie Baranowski, FAIA, Ann Marie Baranowski Architect
Everardo Jefferson, AIA, Caples Jefferson Architects
Sara Lopergolo, FAIA, Lopergolo Architects
Clare Miflin, AIA, ThinkWoven
David Polk, AIA, U.S. General Services Administration
Kathryn Thiele, AIA, CSI, CDT, Buildstock
Oculus Committee This committee meets monthly with the staff of Oculus to advise, direct, and set policy and editorial content for the Chapter's publications. Current committee members:
Tami Hausman, Hausman (Chair)
Jennifer Krichels (Editor in Chief)
Fred Bernstein
Nu Goteh, Room for Magic
Molly Heintz
Julia van den Hout, Original Copy
Paul Makovsky, ARCHITECT
Yetunde Olaiya, Pratt Institute
Vyjayanthi Rao, Spitzer School of Architecture
Amy Siegel, C&G Partners
Joint Committees
Finance Committee The committee assists the President and Treasurer in preparing an annual budget; arranges for audits of the books of this Chapter and reports to the Board of Directors the results of such audits; examines, at the direction of the Board of Directors or the Treasurer, the accounts of this Chapter; supervises the investments, trust funds and endowments of this Chapter; and recommends to the Board of Directors appropriate action to be taken thereon. Current committee members:
Julia Murphy, AIA, Skidmore, Owings & Merrill (Chair)
Alexander Lamis, FAIA, Lamis Architect (Treasurer)
Elizabeth Leber, AIA, LEED AP, Beyer Blinder Belle
Kevin Keating, AIA, Selldorf Architects
Kate Mann, AIA, LEED AP, ZGF Architects
Marc Norman, Schack Institute of Real Estate at NYU
Peter Robinson, Parsons School of Constructed Environments; Cornell University
Sara Rubenstein, AIA, Pelli Clarke & Partners
Matthew Snethen, AIA, Perkins Eastman
Scholarship Committee The Joint Scholarship committee acts on behalf of AIA New York and Center for Architecture, as jury and supervisors of the restricted grants and scholarship funds including the Stewardson Keefe LeBrun Travel Grant; Arnold W. Brunner Grant; the Eleanor Allwork Scholarship Grant Program and The Douglas Haskell Award for Student Journalism. Current committee members:
Gregory Switzer, AIA, NOMA, NCARB, Gregory Switzer Architecture, P.C. (co-chair)
Jennifer Sage, FAIA, LEED AP, Sage and Coombe Architects (co-chair)
Sara Caples, AIA, Caples Jefferson Architects PC
Latoya Kamdang, AIA, Ennead
Sydney Maubert, Illinois Institute of Technology
Peter Robinson, Parsons School of Constructed Environments; Cornell University
Zoe Small, AIA, LEED AP BD+C
Karen-Marie Stonely, AIA, LEED AP, SPAN Architecture
Fahir Burak Unel, AIA, RA, NCARB, Ennead
Richard Yancey, FAIA, LEED AP, NCARB, Building Energy Exchange
Related Events
Nominating Committee Schedule
October 2024
Election of the 2024 Nominating Committee
January 2025
Call for 2025 Recommendations Issued
Mid February 2025
Recommendations due to Chapter
February/Early March 2025
Resumes and recommendations compiled and reviewed
How to Join Elective Committees
AIA New York’s Nominating Committee accepts recommendations and self-referrals for the following Elective Committees for terms starting the following year. The Committee meets monthly to consider recommended candidates. Recommendations should include a cover letter, a brief one-page resume, and full contact information.
Materials can be sent by postal or email. Postal submissions should be addressed to:
Nominating Committee
c/o Suzanne Mecs
AIA New York Chapter
536 LaGuardia Place
New York, NY 10012