Professional Development
Your local participation in AIA New York encourages fellowship and increases knowledge of professional practice issues.
- Free Continuing Education courses for members.
- Discounts for Center for Architecture and AIA New York events, including exhibitions and receptions.
- The opportunity to serve on over 26 Program Committees for face-to-face professional dialogue and education.
- Access to ARE Study Materials Lending Library and discounts to ARE Bootcamp and Workshop classes
- Access to a variety of awards, competitions, scholarships, and grants.
- Discounted enrollment in the AIANY Design Awards program.
National Benefits & Incentives
At the National level, AIA has tools and resources that support you at every stage of your career, whether you’re an experienced architect or emerging professional, a recent graduate, or a sole practitioner running your own practice.
- Discounted AIA Conference on Architecture registration
- Free New Grad membership
- Dues installment program
- AIAU online courses
- Access to the AIA Career Center
- Access to the AIA Trust
- Access to the AIA Strategic Council and the AIA 2021-2025 Strategic Plan
- Scholarships, grants, and fellowships
• AIA New York is an active advocate at the city and state levels. Your membership helps to bolster the design industry’s voice in the public arena.
• By participating in Lobby Day, testifying in a variety of public hearings, and interfacing with key elected officials and public agencies, AIA New York voices concerns and suggestions about design and construction issues.
Practice Tools
• Access to The AIA Trust, a risk management resource offering benefit programs and practice resources such as Liability Insurance for AIA Members.
• Oculus, the chapter's quarterly magazine
• Our bi-weekly newsletter
• Architecture New York State, the State organization's quarterly magazine
• Inclusion in AIA New York's online Firm Directory and Company Directory
• Inclusion in the AIA National online Architect Finder.
Affiliated Memberships & Discounts
• AIA Advantage Program coordinated by AIA National staff for discounts and products and services firms and architects use.