June 28, 2023AIANY Design for Aging Hybrid Committee Meeting | June 22, 2023
The DFA June Committee Meeting reviewed the discussion from the last meeting regarding global examples of architecture (or planning) that respond to the needs of older persons. Valuable resources and links include:
- Fitwel which is a building certification system which promotes occupant health is an examples that are specifically responding to the needs of older persons in the face of climate change.
- The Clarion Group (London, UK) is an example of a company that supports new community housing including housing for older persons.
- NYAM’s Global Roadmap for Healthy Longevity
- Centre for Ageing Better
- Katherine Kline has been in contact with Christophe Lalande (Head of Housing at UN habitat) who noted work his organization is doing related to housing and sustainable design.
- DFA co-chair Brian Pape is in touch with real estate developers working on NYCHA capital improvement projects.
Kathy has also shared:
- Her extensive notes and the report for THE STATE OF THE NATION’S HOUSING 2023,
- Her notes for Equity by Design – Principles in Action: Clarion Housing Group, and
The complete meeting agenda with an extended list of ideas from previous meetings and events in formation for Tafel Hall panels can be accessed here.
Design for Aging
The AIA New York Design for Aging Committee is dedicated to the needs of the aging population in an urban environment. We explore design issues, develop universal design recommendations, increase public awareness, and educate professionals in various fields, to create a more age-friendly city. We are committed to diversity in all issues, ensuring a profession capable of reaching into constituencies previously underserved and giving agency to issues of inclusion and representation. Please join us as we explore a wider range of options that promote diversity, and have a stronger influence on projects and programs in NYC and beyond.