Featured News
10.28.08 Please join us at the Center for Architecture on November 5, 6:00-8:00pm in collectively remembering friend and colleague Stephen Kliment, FAIA, who passed...
Event: New Practices New York 2008: Winners' Symposium Location: Center for Architecture, 10.15.08 Speakers: Representatives from winning firms: Baumann Architecture;...
Event: Convergence NYC 2008; Deans, Directors & Student Debates and ARCH SCHOOLS 2008 Exhibition Opening Location: Center for Architecture, 10.18.08 Speakers: Dean...
Event: Hong Kong | New York: Vertical Density | Sustainable Solutions Location: Chase Manhattan Plaza, 10.16.08; Tishman Auditorium, New School, 10.17-18.08 Speakers:...
Event: 2008 Arthur Rosenblatt Lecture: Todd Williams and Billie Tsien Location: Center for Architecture, 10.22.08 Speakers: Tod Williams, FAIA; Billie Tsien, AIA --...
Event: Ordos 13 -- in conjunction with exhibition 13:100 | Thirteen New York Architects Design for Ordos Location: The Urban Center, 10.17.08 Speakers: Gregory Wessner...
The new TKTS Booth in Times Square. Jessica Sheridan Finally, after eight years since the Theatre Development Fund and Van Alen Institute's international...
In this issue: · Living Classrooms Educate Future Scientists · The Lights are Now Brighter on Broadway · Blue Men Cultivate Young Kids ·...
In this issue: · AIA Invites Comments on Position Statements · Hudson River Park Trust Wins AIANYS Award AIA Invites Comments on Position Statements The...
According to a nationwide study of office workers released by Gensler, workplace design plays a pivotal role in overall business performance by supporting the new work...
Polshek Partnership Architects has won a 2008 Honor Award for Design Excellence from the Boston Society of Architects (BSA) for the Public Broadcasting Station...
10.21.08: The AIANY Women in Architecture (WIA) Committee held a breakfast lecture with Pamela Loeffelman, FAIA, IIDA, LEED AP. (L-R): WIA Co-Chair Diane Tien,...
12.31.08 Call for Entries: The 2009 North American Copper in Architecture Awards The Copper Development Association Inc. (CDA) and the Canadian Copper & Brass...
10.14.08 E-Oculus will be publishing a special tribute issue in memory of Stephen A. Kliment, FAIA, who recently passed away. A Call For Tributes has been extended, and...
Event: openhousenewyork weekend Location: Citywide, 10.04-05.08 Organizer: openhousenewyork In its sixth year, openhousenewyork opened doors to buildings not usually...
Event: Yale Arts Complex tour Location: Yale University, 09.26.08 Guides: Charles Gwathmey, FAIA -- Principal, Gwathmey Siegel & Associates Architects; Robert A.M....
Event: Out There: Architecture Beyond Building Location: Venice, 09.14-11.23.08 Hosts: La Biennale di Venezia Scenes from the Biennale: David Rockwell, AIA, in...
Event: Architects Draw -- Freeing the Hand; panel discussing the publication Architects Draw, by Sue Ferguson Gussow and accompanying exhibition Location: The Cooper...
Each year, openhousenewyork (OHNY) is a way for me to reconnect with the city, see neighborhoods I don't normally visit, take tours of places I walk by every day, and...
In this issue: · Princeton Sets Stage for Arts Center · Artists Fence in Construction Sites · Health Care Center Heals Body and Soul · New...