Project Team

The core team behind “Delivering the Goods” benefitted greatly from a broad group of contributing colleagues and stakeholders who increased the quality of the project by sharing insights from their personal and professional experience. As the project progressed, new stages of work were often accompanied by an enlarged group of participants. Prototypical New York City freight scenarios developed by the task force became a basis of engagement for interviews and listening sessions with stakeholders representing city, community, and industry. Following those inputs, the task force expanded to include a team from Stantec who were crucial in formulating design responses to new learnings from stakeholders. Finally, a peer-review team comprised of a cross-section of stakeholders assessed the document in detail, providing a breadth and depth of feedback that helped to assure a rich and rigorous document. AIA New York is grateful to all of these contributors.

AIANY Freight and Logistics Working Group
Alison Conway, Associate Professor of Civil Engineering, City College of New York
Rob Lane, Principal, Plan & Process, Senior Fellow for Urban Design, Regional Plan Association
Clare Miflin, Executive Director, Center for Zero Waste Design
Damyanti Radheshwar, Architect+Urban Planner and Strategist
John Schettino, Principal, John Schettino Design
April Schneider, Smart Mobility Practice Lead, Northeast, Stantec
Sean Stoll, Research Associate
Jim Wright, Director of Advocacy, AIA New York Transportation and Infrastructure Committee

Stantec Design Team
April Schneider, Smart Mobility Practice Lead – Northeast
Margaret Newman, Practice Leader – Urban Places + Smart Mobility
Astrid Mayak, Planner/Urban Designer
Wendy Wu, Landscape Architectural Designer
Meng Wang, Landscape Architectural Designer
Amy Seek, Design Director, Landscape Architecture
Natalie Tompkins, Associate Architect
Wei Xiao, Urban Design Intern

Graphic Design
John Schettino

AIANY Staff Support
Joseph Corbin, Assistant Director, Member Services
Meghan Edwards, Director of Digital Content and Strategy
Salmata Kaba, Program and Event Coordinator
Suzanne Mecs, Managing Director
Adam Roberts, Director of Policy
Camila Schaulsohn, Director of Communications


Contributing Experts, Interviewees, and Advisors

New York City Department of Transportation (NYCDOT)
Jee Mee Kim, Chief Strategy Office (former)
Kate Mikuliak, Program Manager for Strategic Policy
Charles Ukegbu, Assistant Commissioner for Regional & Strategic Planning
Diniece Mendes, Director, Office of Freight Mobility
Ryan Cuffe, Deputy Director, Office of Freight Mobility
Huma Husain, Deputy Director, Office of Freight Mobility
Andrew Diaz, Assistant Highway Transportation Planner
Eugenia Tang, Senior Freight Planner

NYC Department of City Planning (NYCDCP)
Jack Schmidt, Director, Transportation Division
Laura Smith, Deputy Director, Transportation Division
Erick Gregory, Director of Urban Design
Howard Slatkin, Deputy Executive Director for Strategic Planning
Frank Ruchala, Director, Zoning Division
Chris Hayner, Deputy Director, Zoning Division
Sagi Golan, Senior Urban Designer, Brooklyn Office
Abraham Abreu, Transportation Planner

New York City Economic Development Corporation (NYCEDC)
Cecilia Kushner, Executive Vice President, Planning Division
Andrew Genn, Senior Vice President, Ports and Transportation
Adam Lomasney, Vice President, Aviation and Freight (former)

New York City Mayor’s Office of Climate and Environmental Justice (MOCEJ)
Daphne Lundi, Deputy Director for Social Responsibility

Port Authority of New York and New Jersey (PANYNJ)
Todd Goldman, General Manager, Regional Transportation Planning
Amanda Valdes, Manager, Business Development & Industry Relations
Stephan Pezdek, Transportation Planning Manager
Jay Shuffield, Regional Manager, Transportation Policy

NY City Council
Annie Levers, Assistant Deputy Director, Office of Strategic Initiatives (former)
Elliott Lynn, Senior Legislative Counsel, Transportation and Infrastructure Committee

Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission (DVRPC)
Mike Ruane, Manager, Office of Freight & Aviation

Community Representative
César Zuñiga, Chair, Brooklyn Community Board 7

Industry Representatives
Kendra Hems, President, Trucking Association of New York
Stephen Kim, Director of Design & Development, Innovo Property Group
Robert Kunkel, Managing Partner, Harbor Harvest
Edward Whitmore, President, U.S. Waterways Transportation

Academic Experts
Laetitia Dablanc, Professor/Director of Research, University Gustav Eiffel
Anne Goodchild, Director, Univ. of Washington Supply Chain Transportation & Logistics Center (Urban Freight Lab)
John Shapiro, Professor, Pratt Graduate Center for Planning and the Environment

Professional Consultants
Rob Fowler, Independent Logistics Consultant
Paul Lipson, Principal, Barretto Bay Strategies
Malcolm McLaren, Executive Chairman, McLaren Engineering Group
Benjamin Miller, Director of Policy, Center for Zero Waste Design
Adrian Neve, Director of Transport Planning, Stantec Consulting
Sandra Rothbard, Principal, Freight Matters
David Vega-Barachowitz, Director of Urban Design, WXY


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