by: Adam Roberts
Historic preservation has been a particularly salient issue of late, from the debate over the potential landmarking of iconic New York buildings to the near elimination of the Federal Historic Preservation Tax Credit (HTC).
AIANY is committed to ensuring that the most historically valuable buildings in our city are protected. In a city with a building stock as old as New York’s, we need to reuse our existing spaces as efficiently and sustainably as possible.
There is much to be done to promote the reuse of historic spaces. AIANY is closely monitoring a bill in the state legislature, (A.9882/S.7648), which would extend the New York State (NYS) HTC through December 31, 2024 and decouple the NYS HTC from the Federal HTC program. Currently, the NYS and Federal HTC are linked, which is problematic, as the Federal HTC was reduced as part of Trump’s tax reform measures.
In support of this NYS HTC bill, AIANY and AIANYS are encouraging you to participate in the Preservation League of NYS’s Albany Advocacy Day on Tuesday, February 27. You can find more information and register here.
Back in New York City, the Landmarks Preservation Commission (LPC) has released a series of proposed rules changes. These changes would allow LPC staff to make more decisions to expedite the landmarking process.
On Friday, March 2 at 8:00 AM, AIANY is hosting LPC Chair Meenakshi Srinivasan at the Center for Architecture to discuss these proposed rules changes. Click here to register
Pulse Points
- On Tuesday, February 20, AIANY hosted Acting NYC Department of Design and Construction (DDC) Commissioner Ana Barrio to discuss new large-scale contract opportunities at DDC. Numerous upcoming projects were discussed, including potential new borough correctional facilities to replace Riker’s. More information on DDC’s large-scale projects can be found here.
- AIANY is proud that 40 AIANY members submitted their applications to serve on a community board in New York City. Community boards have a major influence on land use in our city and are a great way for architects to use their unique skillset in public service. If you did not apply in time this year (applications were due 2/16), there will be opportunities to serve as a “public member” of a community board, as well as apply next year.
- Earlier in February, Governor Cuomo announced that special elections would be held for vacant seats on April 24, 2018. In NYC, these include the 39th Assembly District (Corona, Jackson Heights, Elmhurst), 74th Assembly District (Midtown East, East Village), 80th Assembly District (East Bronx), and 32nd Senate District (Central Bronx). A Democrat is expected to win each of these, and as there are no primaries for special elections, Democratic nominees are selected by elected party officials.