by: Camila Schaulson Frenz
2015 Oculus Editorial Calendar
The Oculus 2015 Editorial Calendar has been set. If you are an architect in practice or by training, or see yourself as an astute observer of New York’s architectural and planning scene, Oculus wants to hear from you! You may submit projects/topics from anywhere, but architects must be New York-based. Please submit story ideas/projects by the deadlines indicated below to Kristen Richards, Hon. AIA, Hon. ASLA:
Fall 2015: “Home” (In conjunction with the Housing Exhibition + Archtober)
Housing progress report/report card: whether market rate or affordable, is it living up to our expectations for design, community integration, environmental responsiveness? For affordable and low-income housing, is innovation helping us hit the number of units New York City needs? Continuing controversy about “inclusionary” housing (80/20 and such). Off-site/modular construction. BSA Housing Awards. (To include input from social scientists, urban anthropologists, psychologists, etc.)
Deadline for story ideas, projects: 05.08.15
Winter 2015: “Makers in a Digital World” or “Architecture & the Digital World”
How we present and build what we do: 21st-century visual representation, mapping, big data. Life-cycle of a building: an idea, draw it, digitize for CNC milling machines, construct, share via Instagram, etc. Cooper-Hewitt tech “pencils”; etc.
Deadline for story ideas, projects: 08.07.15
02.28.15: Call for Entries: World Architecture News 21 for 21 Award 2015
03.01.15: Call for Submissions: CLOG: Landmark
03.01.15: Call for Entries: ARCHmedium’s Detroit Station for the Arts Architecture Competition
03.03.15: Request for Qualifications: Interpretive and Physical Master Plan for Alamo Plaza and its Historic District in San Antonio
03.03.15: Call for Entries: Atlanta Bridgescape Competition
03.05.15: Call for Nominations: Municipal Art Society’s 2015 MASterworks Awards
03.06.15: Call for Entries: Gowanus by Design Axis Civitas – Third International Design Competition
03.15.15: Call for Entries: Shelter Global 2015 Dencity Competition
03.16.15: Call for Entries: Urban Land Institute (ULI) Global Awards for Excellence + Urban Open Space Award + Jack Kemp Excellence in Affordable and Workforce Housing Awards + Robert C. Larson Housing Policy Leadership Awards
03.20.15: Call for Entries: Design Talks Institute Lost Spaces: Re-Envision Calgary’s Remnant Public Spaces
03.23.15: Call for Entries: SMPS-NY 2015 Marketing Communications & Chapter Leadership Awards
03.23.15: Call for Entries: Chicago Architectural Biennial’s Lakefront Kiosk Competition
03.30.15: Call for Entries: Urban Green Council’s 2015 EBie Awards
03.30.15: Call for Entries: Barcelona’s Monumental Future
03.31.15: Call for Entries: 2015 IOC/IAKS Award for Exemplary Sports and Leisure Facilities and IPC/IAKS Distinction for Accessibility 2015
03.31.15: Call for Entries: Buckminster Fuller Institute’s 2015 Fuller Challenge
03.31.15: Call for Presentations: Architecture Boston Expo (ABX) 2015, 11.17-19.15
04.01.15: Call for Entries: AIA National 2015 Photography Competition
04.03.15: Call for Entries: Building Trust International Design Competition – Cool School: Design for an Extreme Climate
04.10.15: Call for Applications: 2015 Robert A.M. Stern Architects Travel Fellowship
04.14.15: Call for Entries: International Interior Design Association New York Chapter (IIDA NY) Annual Student Design Awards Program
04.16.15: Call for Applications: The Architectural League’s 2015 Deborah J. Norden Fund Travel/Study Grants
04.17.15: Call for Entries: AIANY 2015 Housing Awards
04.19.15: Call for Entries: Restaurant & Bar Design Awards 2015
04.30.15: Call for Entries: 2015-16 World Habitat Awards
04.30.15: Call for Entries: Brick Industry Association 205 Brick in Architecture Awards
05.01.15: Call for Entries: Home Matters and AIA San Francisco RE:DEFINING HOME: A Design Challenge
06.01.15: Call for Entries: 9th International Cosentino Design Challenge